Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Shots today???

Today Mark and I went and had lunch with McKade at the Harbor, our very favorite place to go in Rockwall. We ate at Glorias' and then went for a walk around the lake. I took some very cute pictures of McKade and his daddy. He was being quite a character, talking and making this new sound of spitting through his closed lips....it was really quite funny! Mckade had a Dr. appt. today for his 4 month check up. I thought it would be a quick in and out check up, his weight and length, that sort of thing. It was exactly what I thought it would be.... Mckade now weighs 16 lbs and 2 oz, (pretty good for a baby that got down to 5 lbs after he was born) he is 25 inches long and is in the 50 percentile of babies his age. After the Dr. checked him he then informs me that he needs 3 more shots. NOOOOO!!! I HATE seeing my babies in pain and I had no clue he would get shots today. I felt so bad, he was so happy and just had no clue what was about to happen. He was such a big boy and only cried for a minute, if even that. He got his bottle and that was good for him. He slept for a little while and seemed to feel better when he got up. My mom also came over to see the kids today and McKade was really into her shirt, it was soo funny, he just kept grabbing it and trying to put it in his mouth. LOL! Here are a few pics of our day and of our little trooper.

Daddy and McKade

The sun was BRIGHT!

I LOVE this one!

McKade playing with his Gammy!

So Sweet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another beautiful Gan-Baby!!! They light up my world!!! xo Gammy