Monday, March 30, 2009

Growing pains...

We had a great weekend! We made homemade spaghetti on Saturday and enjoyed watching movies and being inside with the yucky cold weather outside. Yesterday was B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!! So we took the kids to The Harbor and walked around then went and saw Monsters Vs. Aliens. If you haven't seen it, you should! It was so cute. McKade did pretty well, then he got kind of restless so Mark took him out for a few minutes. He really does very well in the movie theaters. Mavery had been begging all week to see this movie and she loved it.

Mavery got back her TAKS test reading grade this past week and she made a 94!! She was commended by the school and we are just so proud of her and the hard work she put into studying. She has the Math portion of the TAKS at the end of the month and is working really hard studying and going to tutoring for it. Math is harder for her than reading so, we are really working with her and hopefully she will feel prepared by the time she has to take the test.

McKade has officially learned how to roll over this week. He has rolled over before, but it was never consistent. This week he has been rolling over everyday, and he HATES it!! LOL!! He screams everytime he ends up on his stomach. Then, yesterday, he learned how to roll over in his bed while sleeping and that did not go over well AT ALL! He wakes up and screams like he is going to die, it is horrible! I got up several times last night because he kept rolling onto his tummy. Poor baby! It scares him to death every time. Hopefully he will get used to rolling and not wake up every time. He has also started eating biter biscuits and it is hilarious!! He gets them everywhere and when he is done with them he gets so upset because there isn't anymore. I can't get over that he is already 9 months old!! *tear*

Here are some pics from this weekend.....

Friday, March 27, 2009

Wearable art.....

I know I have been blogging more about things lately than family, but to be very honest, there isn't a whole lot going on over here. So, I have been working on my business and trying to get the website advertised on some different blogs. While doing this I have come across some of the greatest websites and crafters in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area!! One of my new favorite is a little online jewelry shop called "Purple Toes Jewelry". There is some really cute and unique necklaces, earrings, and rings. I am so in love with the necklaces. I can't wait to order some for this spring and summer!! Here are a few pics of my favorites, I also included the web address in case anyone wants to check out all the goods!

This is my FAVORITE!! Love the colors.

I love this face within a face.....beautiful art!

It's Official......

I am going to be an Aunt to a baby GIRL!!!!

I am soooooo EXCITED!! My best friend of 18 years is pregnant and found out yesterday she is having a GIRL!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!! I absolutely LOVE having a boy, but girls are sooo much more fun to dress, and they have really come out with some adorable clothes for baby girls. I love Dimples and Wrinkles, they have some VERY cute one of a kind items.....ever since I found out I have been looking at all the super cute girlie stuff, I think I have become addicted....LOL!! Here are some things I just LOVE......

All of these can be found at, super cute stuff!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

WE ARE GOING TO THE ZOO....oh, wait, Just Kidding!!

I LOVE this picture!

Well, yesterday was a very interesting day for us. We planned a couple of weeks ago to go to the Ft. Worth Zoo with our friends Connie, Geneva and Ethan. Mavery was really excited and I was really looking forward to McKade seeing all the animals. We took off around 9:30 and I had an errand to run then we were on our way. We ran into some traffic about 2.3 miles from the zoo (I have a GPS) I figured it had to be wreck or something, but we were literally just sitting there. We sat there until 12:45......I sat in traffic for over 2 HOURS!!!! It was ALL zoo traffic! There was nowhere to park and the police that were directing traffic had no idea what they were doing, they were sending people to "no man land" to park, and after sitting in that traffic for another 30 minutes and finding not one single parking spot, we decided to turn around and go home. We met Connie and her family at a little restaurant and took a break for a few minutes but, it was such a disappointment. We tried to save the day by going to the park, McKade has never been before and it was his first time in a swing. He LOVED it! I made a couple of videos of the kids and I also took some super cute pics! Here are the videos, I will add the pics later!:)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Eye Candy...

I am the ultimate shopper, but more than shopping, I love to CREATE. I am really bad about it though. I go out and spend money on all the scrap booking stuff (over $100) and it is all still sitting in my desk drawers. I bought stuff for McKades book and Maverys and I have not done a thing with any of the stuff and I have had it now for a year. I guess it would help if I actually knew HOW to scrapbook. lol! I am in the midst of making some cute items for CupCake FabuLous in addition to all of the cupcakes, I figured we could throw in some cute one of a kind items with cupcakes on them, so now I am trying to learn to sew or should I say is all very interesting.

I love being crafty, but it is so hard to focus on just one thing, when there are thousands of things I want to do! So, I thought I would add a couple of pics I found that are total eye candy for me. They literally make me want to jump up and go thrift store shopping, or learn how to paint, sew, or refinish furniture. I found a really cute website... and she has some great photos of things I could only DREAM of doing but, here are a couple of things she has done that I love....

How great is this little playroom???

Now this next inspiration was found by my friend Leigh Ann, who saw it and instantly thought of me (thank goodness), because I LOVE all her little art pieces and most of all her refinished furniture! Her name is Catherine and she has "The Red Shoes" blog and store..... . Here are a couple examples of her work, she just makes me want to refinish ALL my chairs and furniture....

This dresser just screams my name!! LOL! I LOVE it!

Such great eye candy!! I wish I had the time and persistence it takes to create all these things. One day I hope to get a few things done, but for now I will have to check back in with these great ladies websites and blogs to see what kind of eye candy they come up with next!:)

O.k.....Just 1 more.....I saw this and it is just TOO CUTE!! Way out of my price range, but so adorable..

This is one YUMMY cupcake!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Reading is FUN!!!

This is too cute not to share......

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring Fever = CrAfTs!!!

I am so excited about the warmer weather (I know, we still have a couple cold fronts to deal with) but, besides that I am thrilled about seeing the grass get greener and the trees blossom. It really makes me want to get crafty and start on projects around the house. I am going to be painting a desk we have and refinishing another table. I am trying to learn to sew a little so I can start a baby cupcake line of clothes for CupCake FabuLous. I found the cutest things lately, first one website I have become obsessed with has THE MOST ADORABLE clothes for little girls, so frilly and just all GIRL, it makes me wish Mavery was smaller! You can check out their adorable clothing line here..... . The other website I found has things for babies and adults alike "Serena and Lily". I am in love with the colors they use and I really find it all inspiring. You can see their catalog and items here... . I'm so happy to be busy, I feel like this past winter was one of the worst ever, and winter is usually my favorite time of year. This year was kinda dreary and depressing, so bring on the beautiful flowers and the sunshine! I'm ready!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Finally, SPRING is ALMOST here!!!

Well, I FINALLY have a new computer!! It was quite a process, we originally wanted to get a home computer with a monitor so we could all use it if we needed to, but when I went and checked out all there was out there, the home PC's were way more than a fully loaded laptop. So, I have a new laptop! YAY! This post I am adding a few videos of McKade from over the past couple of months. He is 8 months old now and I am trying to get as many cute things he does on video as possible.

Today is a big day for Mavery. She has her very first TAKS test today!! It is in Reading and she was super excited about it. Her teacher felt she is 100% ready and to be honest, the girl LOVES to read, just like her mom!:) But, she is picky about what she likes, she loves Judy Moody books, but she now has every single one that has come out, so we are hoping that the author starts putting a few more out soon. She just discoverd "The English Roses" a series of books written by Madonna about a group of friends in London. She LOVES the 1st book so much, I have seen her read it twice already, and it isn't even a book-book, it basically introduces you to the girls and tells you all about them. I'm excited she likes them so much, she was starting to give up on finding something she liked and had been asking me if I would read "Twilight" to her......UH, NO! LOL!! Still a little young for that.

I know spring is getting closer, I love these warm days we have had off and on. Mavery has Spring Break starting on the 16th, that is in less than 2 weeks!! Then it is just a couple more months and she is out of school for the the time does fly! I'm trying to not to think about it too much, it makes me sad, because it means Mavery will almost be in the 4th grade and my little man will be a whole YEAR old! :( O.k....can't think of that. I am hoping to take the kids to the Ft. Worth zoo while Mavery is out of school, I just need the weather to cooperate. Yay for springtime!!!

Well, here are a couple of videos......enjoy!! I'll post more soon!!