Sunday, November 30, 2008


O.k, after viewing the last blog, having nightmares about cupcakes and getting up with McKade, I want to clarify some of what I had wrote in my last blog about Christmas. In all the hustle and bustle and trying to buy for this person and that and making cookies for Santa, sometimes it is easy to forget the reason for the season.

I KNOW this is a celebration for Jesus Christ. This is a very special time of year where we get to celebrate the birth of our lord and savior. It seems like more and more every year people forget that. It has become more about gifts and sales than anything else. But, I want to take this moment to recongize that this is a birthday for Jesus who was born in a manger and saved us all. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!! And, the best gift of all gifts is knowing the Lord.

O.k, I feel better, I hope I don't have anymore cupcake nightmares!!;)

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