Thursday, October 30, 2008

Bad Kitty

So, the other day our cat Manx was really bad. REALLY BAD! He had to spend the day outside I was so mad at him. But anyway, that evening he was allowed back in the house, even though I was still quite mad. Mavs and I were getting ready to go to the store and I had McKade sitting on the floor in his Bumbo, when Manx came walking toward us, well I didn't want him near me (still angry) so I said "Bad Kitty!" and shooed him away, well McKade thought this was HILARIOUS! He laughed every time I said it and I mean he was laughing so hard, he had Mavery and I laughing to the point I was in tears. It was so cute. Well we have now figured out he loves "Bad Kitty!" he laughs every time we say it! Anyway, I didn't catch the first time on video but here is a cute one and you can see him laugh a few times. (His poor PJ sleeves are a little big!)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Mark came home today with a Bumbo for McKade. And, yes it is purple! Lol! We have not been able to find a blue or green one, and every time we go we always find purple. Oh, well he is only 4 months old, I don't think he minds about the color. He was so cute sitting in it, but he had no clue what to do with his hands, he kept his arms out the whole time like he was trying to balance!! Too funny! Here are some pics...........

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sleepy boy

I took these pictures the other night....McKade was sooooo very tired! He was having so much fun in his bouncer, he was cooing and talking, it was so cute. After a few minutes I noticed it got kind of quiet, I noticed his little head was down. I just knew he had dosed off! But as soon as I took a couple of pics his little head popped back up and he started trying to bounce again. Sweet little man! Then he went off to bed, where he was very happy to get snuggly with his blankets.

McKade dosing in his bouncer!!

Ready for bed...look at those sleepy eyes!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Birthdays, Birthdays and Babies!

We had a crazy weekend with 3 birthdays! One of them we were not able to actually attend, it was my best friend Ellen, who lives in Georgia but we did send her cupcakes! We went to our friend Jessi's birthday party last night, it was really fun and we did have to leave the babies at home. My mom came over to watch them and McKade did really well at first and then he started having a few meltdowns, I put him down for a nap before I left and apparently it was not a "nap" because he stayed down the whole night. Poor baby! But he did well with his Gammy and was very happy to see her this morning. Mavery of course loves spending time with her and I think enjoys getting a break from her parents. Ha!! Today was my cousin, Kayla's 19th birthday and we went to the cookout they had for her. She had a ton of friends over and it kinda made me miss those good ol' high school days.....kinda! LOL! I still have so many of my friends from those days and it has been so great getting to see how we have all grown up over the years. So, here are some pics from our very busy weekend.

Jessi the Birthday girl!!

At Blue Mesa
Erin and I at Sting
Mark and I at Sting
My cousin Kayla being silly

Kayla and her friends playing Twister
Kayla and her Cupcake

Mavery and McKade

McKade and his Gammy

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Autumn Nights

Today was a pretty dreary day with a cold front moving into our area. But, as I was driving to the grocery store at dusk I saw the prettiest fall sky. I regretfully left my camera at home so I took a couple of pics with my cell phone.....they are not spectacular but you can see how beautiful the sky was as the clouds were leaving and the sun was setting. I LOVE this time of year!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Harbor and the spider...

Mark and I

Mark is on vacation (YAY!) this whole week and part of next week and we have been trying to find things to do together. Today we went to lunch at The Harbor and then walked around the water with McKade. While we walked down to the water I saw all these spider webs and I started to feel them on my face, YUCK! When we got down in front of the water I noticed Mark had tons of spider webs on him, I got them off and we went and sat on a bench. I turned to do something and Mark says "Be still, there's a spider in your hair.", uh, yeah....I freaked out!! That stupid spider and his webs decided to land on MY head to continue his little web mission!! I probably looked like a complete idiot jumping up and down and shaking my head. LOL!! Needless to say it apparently jumped off the first time I jumped and shook because Mark found it on the bench where I was sitting. So that was our adventure for the day!!
My little spider friend! (You can't see him that well)
Little McKade
We then went to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and got the BEST Caramel/Candy apples!! I LOVE caramel apples. They are the best, I even took pictures of them, they are so pretty! HA!

Monday, October 20, 2008

4 months old!!

McKade is 4 months old today!!! He has changed so much in 4 months it is crazy!! He changes in just a day, last week alone he laughed for the first time, started really talking to us (cooing and jibbering) and he has found his hands. That has got to be his absolute favorite thing right now, chewing and sucking on his hands, it is so funny!! Here are some of the most recent pics of him....

McKade and Daddy watching Football

Sweet smiley baby

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Balloons and a TuTu

Today I decided to spend the day with Mavery and do something fun. She has been such a great big sister and has adjusted very well to having a new baby brother. I know she does not get the time with me that she is so used to and it is hard for me to just go the way I did before. We always went out to eat together and shopping, she was always my "buddy". Since McKade is here it is alot harder to take off and do the things Mavery has become accustomed to. So, today we decided to go out and take some fun pictures of her and her new tutu that she got for Halloween. I think she had fun and I know I did! It was great watching her dance around and play with her balloons. Here are some pics I got......

After we took pictures the first thing Mavery asked me was if she could send the balloons up to Sterling and Kasey in heaven. Sterling is Maverys little cousin who passed March of 2007 at age 2, and Kasey is her Aunt Ellens little brother who passed in 2005 at age 16. We wrote notes to each of them on the balloons and let Mavery say a prayer and release them. It was very sweet......I don't think a day goes by that either of them do not cross my mind. But it truly touches my heart when my sweet 8 year old remembers them and wants to show that they will never be forgotten.......

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New!! I know I have been posting quite a bit about McKade but, it is so hard not to when he is changing so much, I swear there will be plenty of posts about my sweet girl!! She definitely has her moments!;) So, we have been noticing our little man has been getting pretty bored sitting around in his swing and Boppy. So we started searching online for something more fun and interactive. We found some cool excer-saucers and bouncers and even the Bumbo. Out of them all the Rainforest activity bouncer was rated the highest with 5 stars and TONS of reviews.
We headed out today in search it and brought it home for McKade. All I can say is he LOVES it!! He is soooo cute in it! You have to watch the video and see for yourself, but it is hands down better than the excer-saucer we had for Mavery. If you have a little one I highly recommend it!

Funny little pumpkins

The whole pumpkin family!!!

This year we bought some cute little pumpkins to decorate for Halloween. I found this article on how to decorate them different ways, like with paint, stickers, or magazine cut-outs. We decided to try out the magazine cut-outs. It was fun and the resutls were hilarious.........
This is Mavery and McKades' Pumpkins
Here are Mark and I

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

McKades very first REAL laugh!!

I had to post this because today for the first time we heard McKade LAUGH!!! It was the sweetest thing I have ever heard (besides Maverys first laugh)!!! I took a video since my camera was sitting right next to me. Mavery had him going talking about her mucles. It is so funny! He even squealed at one point.

Monday, October 13, 2008

My sweet little boy.....

My sweet little boy is getting bigger. I can't believe he is almost 4 months old. His little personality is coming out more and more these days. He is like his dad in so many ways, he is so quiet and reserved, but so sweet and lovable. He does seem to have a hard time with people outside our family (Me, Mark, and Mavs) I guess that has alot to do with the fact that we don't go out very much and he doesn't get to see family all that much either. My mom tries to see them at least once a week, which is good because I think McKade warms up to her alot quicker than others. I just feel so bad when he cries and cries at people he hasn't seen in a while. He went to my in-laws last night while we went to see Joel Olsteen, he was already crying when we left. When we went to pick the kids up I heard all about how he cried the entire time we were gone. It makes me sad to leave him, and even more sad that family can't enjoy him or see the sweet baby that he really is. He is just a little anti-social right now. I will just have to enjoy him here at home and love all his little quirks. He is growing so fast and I know in a couple of months he will be even bigger and have all sorts of new cute things he does. I just hate he is growing so fast. I love every minute with him, and I swear he changes overnight.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pumpkin Patches everywhere!!

Well, over the past week we have been to 2 pumpkin patches! They are everywhere and we really went to a couple of great ones. The first one I took the kiddos and my mom to was really cool with painted hay bales made to look like jack'o'lanterns and they also had some really cute pumpkins too. Mavery of course liked the little tiny ones and the little ears of corn that were colored.

The second pumpkin patch we went to was with my cousin, Courtney and her daughter, Jacly. They came to visit for the week from Louisana. We had fun, even though it was a crazy day. I am so happy it is fall! It is taking forever for the cooler weather to hit, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be here before Halloween.

Just getting started....

I had not started a blog yet because I really had no clue what to blog about. But, I got to thinking the other day, the best thing to start a blog about would be family, right? We always have something going on and with our new baby boy there is alot to keep up with. I figure by having a blog it would be easier to keep track of how quickly both of my children are growing. So here we very first blog, all about blogging. HA!