So, the other day our cat Manx was really bad. REALLY BAD! He had to spend the day outside I was so mad at him. But anyway, that evening he was allowed back in the house, even though I was still quite mad. Mavs and I were getting ready to go to the store and I had McKade sitting on the floor in his Bumbo, when Manx came walking toward us, well I didn't want him near me (still angry) so I said "Bad Kitty!" and shooed him away, well McKade thought this was HILARIOUS! He laughed every time I said it and I mean he was laughing so hard, he had Mavery and I laughing to the point I was in tears. It was so cute. Well we have now figured out he loves "Bad Kitty!" he laughs every time we say it! Anyway, I didn't catch the first time on video but here is a cute one and you can see him laugh a few times. (His poor PJ sleeves are a little big!)
For Goodness Sakes, Look At Those Cakes
4 years ago