Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Spring Fever = CrAfTs!!!

I am so excited about the warmer weather (I know, we still have a couple cold fronts to deal with) but, besides that I am thrilled about seeing the grass get greener and the trees blossom. It really makes me want to get crafty and start on projects around the house. I am going to be painting a desk we have and refinishing another table. I am trying to learn to sew a little so I can start a baby cupcake line of clothes for CupCake FabuLous. I found the cutest things lately, first one website I have become obsessed with has THE MOST ADORABLE clothes for little girls, so frilly and just all GIRL, it makes me wish Mavery was smaller! You can check out their adorable clothing line here..... http://matildajaneclothing.com/ . The other website I found has things for babies and adults alike "Serena and Lily". I am in love with the colors they use and I really find it all inspiring. You can see their catalog and items here... www.serenaandlily.com . I'm so happy to be busy, I feel like this past winter was one of the worst ever, and winter is usually my favorite time of year. This year was kinda dreary and depressing, so bring on the beautiful flowers and the sunshine! I'm ready!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

It it under blogs that I follow titled Mommy's Wish List. It is awesome!!