I still do not have my laptop so, of course I can't get on my blog all that often for updates. I am starting to slowly go insane without it. I didn't realize how much I depend on it for EVERYTHING......really! Like looking up the movie times, finding a store phone number, looking for paint colors or local thrift stores that carry furniture (these are just a few things I have been needing it for, just TODAY) what did we do when we didn't have computers? Hopefully mine will get fixed or I can get another one. Something has to happen soon. I not only use the computer for daily look-ups, I also run a web based business and it is REALLY hard to communicate with customers and work on getting my new website up and running without it.
On to other things.......My sweet little girl is getting big. She is officially a 9 year old (going on 30) she has a distinct taste in clothes as well as how she wants her hair. I still love putting big bows in her hair, but lately I have noticed she wears a pretty big frown on her face every time I try to put one in. So, we have now outgrown bows. This is a very sad thing for me, it means that my little girl is becoming a "tween". What the heck is a "tween"?? Well, a tween is a kid stuck between being a kid and a teen......hence, the tween. She still wants to have the kid things, but she has become more picky about her clothes and her hair. We went yesterday (because she has been begging to get her hair cut) to a kid and teen hair place to get her hair done. She loves this place because they not only cut and style her hair just how she wants, they also paint her nails. She loves it! When she went in the chair she was my cute little girl......when she came out of the chair, she was a polished little lady!!! Her hair looks amazing. REALLY! She had about 6 inches cut off and asked that it be layered. It really suits her to a tee. She absolutely loves it, and so do I. (I will post pics once I get a computer) So, I am now officially the mother of a "tween". How odd.
McKade is still my sweet little man. He has been up to all sorts of things this week, his new favorite food is Popsicles. Red, green, purple, he loves them all. It is so cute watching him, he wants to shove the whole thing in his mouth, but as soon as he gets a little bite he shivers and makes this funny face. It is really funny! I got this on video and will upload it once I have a computer.....are you seeing a pattern here? LOL! We also put together one of his "big boy" toys this weekend for him to play with, he has no idea what to do with it, but he loves watching his sister play. I can't believe he will be 8 months old next week. Many people have been asking me if he is crawling or trying to, or if he has teeth, so here is the update on what he is doing........ He is not crawling, he sits up and plays by himself and reaches for EVERYTHING, you name it he wants it, TV remotes, cell phones, and of course, it all goes in his mouth! He has no teeth and the drooling has gotten a lot better in the past couple of months, so I don't really know when it will all start. Mavery did not get her first tooth til she was 1, so we aren't to concerned. He also has a serious obsession with hair. He loves grabbing mine and Mavery's and he tries to get Mark's but his is too short. This kid will grab and pull SO hard, then he will loosen his grip and just play with it, like it is the most fascinating thing ever! I even caught him pulling his own hair the other day. Ha!
Mark and I are in desperate need of a night ALONE!!! I LOVE my kids to death, but it has been so long since we have had a date night. We have had nights without the kids but they have been to go to a birthday party, or some kind of function or something. It has been a few months since it has just been the 2 of us, and since we just had Valentines and before that, it was our 10 year first date anniversary, we are due a nice night out. I am looking forward to it, whenever it may be. I hope it is soon. Mark will be 30 this weekend. I was hoping to have a little birthday party for him with just our good friends and family, but he can't stand the thought of being the center of attention for an evening, so I had to call it off. I really want to celebrate him entering the "30" club, but looks like it will just be another day for us (at his request of course).
Everyone who knows me, knows I love to be surrounded by friends and family, but lately I am starting to feel like a hermit. It is not a good feeling. Time to get out of the house and join the real world. Hopefully the weather will start getting better and I can take the kids to the park and do some outdoor type things with them. (we'll let Mark stay inside where he is more comfortable) LOL!! I am so ready for spring and all the flowers blooming, it is nice to see everything starting new again. Well, hopefully next time I get on here to update it will be from my own computer and I can add some pictures in the jumble of words.:)
For Goodness Sakes, Look At Those Cakes
4 years ago
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