Friday, October 30, 2009

My sweet children....

I keep wanting to take the kids to the pumpkin patch but, it has either been pouring rain, or Mark has gotten off work to late, or the pumpkin patch we wanted to go to was closed, so I took some cute pics right here at home. So these are the most recent of them both.

Mavs is well into her 4th grade year and so far she is really liking it. She loves that she gets to switch classes during the day and has different teachers. I still can't get over the fact that in 4 short months my baby will be 10 years old!! Sometimes it just doesn't seem like that can be possible......

McKade is still our little man! He is now 16 months and starting to walk, of course not by himself, he wants mommy, daddy, and sister to hold his hands and walk, walk, walk, everywhere!! And he gets his little feelings hurt very bad if we do not do this at least 200 times a day!! LOL!! He just started walking holding only 1 hand the other day and his balance is getting better and better, he will be doing it all on his own before long. He loves to play chase with his sister and he just started covering his eyes so he can play peek-a-boo. He also is really into giving everyone "5", and he gets really into it.....he is just so much fun for all of us!!

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