Saturday, May 16, 2009

Mothers Day and 60th Anniversary....

I am so busy right now, I am neglecting my blog! We went to Longview for Mothers day weekend for my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary party. Yes, very confusing. LOL! McKade had fun eating cake, sesame sticks, and pizza. Mavery played with her cousins, Gracie and Colton and had a blast. It was great spending time with family, it seems we do not see other that much anymore. With jobs, kids, and all the things inbetweeen those, it gets difficult to make time, unless it is a special occasion. Mavery and McKade bought me pink tulips and chocolate truffles for Mothers day, and Mavery made me the most beautiful hand with glass gems in it. I will have to get a picture of it and post it. Here are some pics from our weekend.....
Nana and Pa cutting their cake...
Nana eating cake...
My little girl!!
My Aunt Barb and mom
April and Pa
April and I
Eating yummy Pizza King pizza!!
Me and my mom
Gammy and Mavs
Me and my Nana
Colton and Mavery
Getting on the Lawn Mower...

Brandi and I

McKade and his Gammy...

Grabbing some cake...

My Cousins, April and Brandi

McKade eating Red Velvet Cake...

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